Is it Possible to Wash a Briefcase in a Washing Machine?

Is it Possible to Wash a Briefcase in a Washing Machine – How not to Miss the Mode and Temperature: To find out if a briefcase can be typewritten, you need to inspect its lining. Typically, the manufacturer sews a label with care instructions to the sideline of the branded product. Among the other pictograms, it is appropriate to represent a container filled with water which, according to the additional marks, takes the following values:

  • Inside, a number is indicated with the designation of degrees Celsius – washing with water at the appropriate temperature is allowed.
  • Capacity crossed out – machine and hand washing prohibited.
  • One or more horizontal lines are drawn under the container – the product should be washed gently.
  • One hand is immersed in the container – only hand washing is allowed.

Is it Possible to Wash a Briefcase in a Washing Machine

Features of washing different fabrics

If the label mentioned above is not available, the wallet holder may begin wet cleaning or dry cleaning at their own risk.

In this case, the washing rules will depend on the fabric from which the product is sewn:


Is it Possible to Wash a Briefcase in a Washing Machine

Which wallets are not washable?

Genuine leather products lose their appearance after prolonged exposure to water and contact with alkaline detergents. The material loses its elasticity, has a crumpled appearance, and can be covered with small cracks.

Another reason for canceling washing is the presence of a cardboard frame that cannot be removed and then reinserted. The situation is similar to rigid metal and plastic frames.

The decorative elements (buttons, spikes, eyelets, buckles) of inexpensive wallets tend to rust and the rhinestones to fall off. If possible, you should refuse to wash these products.

can we wash bag in washing machine

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Preparing the laundry

Before placing the case in the tank of the washing machine, you need to perform a number of actions:

  • Take all the little things out of your pockets – coins, hairpins, candy wrappers. Otherwise, they could clog the drain hose or damaged machine parts.
  • Vacuum the inside to remove dust and crumbs.
  • Make sure that no ink pens, markers, or markers are left inside, otherwise, the paint will spill onto the fabric and the product will be irreparably damaged.
  • Clean adhering dirt and remove food, blood, or grease stains with special means, because after washing they penetrate deeper into the thickness of the fabric.
  • Detach all removable parts that need to be cleaned by hand.

Powder or gel?

The best detergent for washing a wallet is liquid or gel, it should be selected taking into account the color and type of fabric. If bleaching components are present in the composition, it is unacceptable to use such a tool for black and colored products.

Powder, unlike gel, does not completely dissolve in water and may leave whitish stains, especially on dark synthetic materials.

can we wash bag in washing machine

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Rules for washing a briefcase in a typewriter

To keep the product in good condition, you must follow these rules:

  • Put the case in a special mesh bag. In its absence, you can use an ordinary pillowcase of absorbent fabric, but the quality of washing with this method will deteriorate significantly.
  • Never wash your towel with shoes or other bags. If the drum is likely to wrinkle or scratch when rotating the drum, you can put a clean white sheet cover or duvet cover in the machine.

Is it Possible to Wash a Briefcase in a Washing Machine

  • The extra rinse function must be activated if the powder has been used as a detergent. This will reduce the risk of stains on the fabric.
  • Even if you really need the briefcase to dry faster, you can’t squeeze it through a typewriter. The product should be hung so as not to deform and dried naturally, preferably in the open air. Only denim fabric briefcases can be squeezed.

Washing a briefcase in a typewriter is a simple thing, but the result will not please unless all the rules are followed. The manufacturer’s recommendations should not be overlooked, otherwise, you risk spoiling the whole thing.


Hope that you got complete info about Is it Possible to Wash a Briefcase in a Washing Machine – How not to Miss the Mode and Temperature. For further more interesting things related to the washing machine, follow best washing machine. Share the article on social networks.

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