How Much Electricity Does a Washing Machine Use?

Do you ever wonder how much electricity does a washing machine use or your appliances are using? Many people don’t think about it, but it’s something that we should all be aware of. When it comes to how much electricity does a washing machine use, there is no one definitive answer.

The amount of power that a washer consumes will depend on the size of the machine, how many loads it does per week and the type of energy source it uses. Top washing machine brands in India offer energy-saving machines too.

how much electricity does a washing machine use

In this blog post, we will take a closer look at how much electricity does a washing machine use and what you can do to reduce your consumption. Let’s get started!

How Much Electricity Does a Washing Machine Use?

The average energy consumption of an electric washing machine is approximately 200 kWh per year. The largest load on the electricity bill comes from how often you run the machine, how long each wash takes, and how hot it gets.

The amount of energy needed to power your washing machine will vary depending on how much water is required for each load as well as how often you use it. The average electricity consumption per year can range anywhere between 35 kWh – 400 kWh depending on how many loads there are in total.

 how many watts does a washing machine use per hour

Front Load vs Top Load – Which Washing Machine Uses More Electricity?

When it comes to how much electricity does a washing machine use, there is no clear-cut answer. Some people say that front load washers consume more power since they use less water, while others believe that top-load machines are the bigger energy guzzlers. The truth is, both types of machines have their own pros and cons when it comes to how much electricity they use.

  • Front-load washing machines consume less energy because they don’t need as much water for each load and run on a shorter cycle time (about 30 minutes).
  • On the other hand, top-load washers take longer to complete one wash cycle (around 40 minutes) but require more hot water.

In the end, how much electricity does a washing machine use really depends on how you use your machine and how much water is needed for each load. If you’re looking to save money on your electricity bill, then try using a front-load washer instead of a top-load model.

How Many Watts Does a Washing Machine Use Per Hour?

Now that we have a general idea of how much electricity does a washing machine use, let’s take a look at how many watts it consumes.

The average washing machine will use around 1000-2000 watts per hour when it is in use. This means that if you leave your washer running for two hours, it will consume approximately 2000 watts of electricity.

How Many Watts Does a Washing Machine Use Per Load?

The amount of energy that your washer uses depends on how often you run it, how long each wash takes, and how hot it gets. The average electricity consumption can range anywhere between 35 kWh – 400 kWh depending on how many loads there are in total.

How Much Does It Cost To Run A Washing Machine?

The cost of running a washing machine varies depending on how much electricity you use, how often the washer runs, and how long it takes to complete each load. The average price per kWh is Rs. 12 which means that if your washer uses 200 kWh per year, it will cost about Rs. 2,200 to run this appliance.

How Long Does A Washing Machine Last?

A good quality washing machine should last between eight and ten years. The average lifespan of an electric dryer is approximately six years while gas models typically have lifespans in excess of ten years.

How To Reduce The Electricity Used By Your Washing Machine?

We have already know how much electricity does a washing machine use. There are a few things that you can do to reduce how much electricity your washing machine uses.

  • The first thing is to use less water per load by using cold instead of hot water when possible and also running fewer loads in general.
  • The second thing you should try doing is not leaving clothes sitting around wet after they’ve been washed so it doesn’t take as long for them to dry and therefore uses less electricity.
  • Finally, consider using a front loading washing machine instead of a top loader as these machines are more energy-efficient. Front-loaders use about 50% less water than traditional washers and can save you up to Rs. 7,500 per year in electricity costs!


That was all about how much electricity does a washing machine use? I hope you got some useful information from this article and now understand how much power your washer consumes every time it runs. Do let me know in the comments section below if there are any other questions that need to be answered. Keep visiting the site for more useful posts.

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