What is In-Built Heater in Washing Machine: Everything You Need to Know

Do you know what an in-built heater in washing machine is? If not, don’t worry – you’re not alone. There are many people out there who are not sure what an inbuilt heater is. Inbuilt heaters are a relatively new addition to washing machines, and many people don’t know what they are or what they do.

An inbuilt heater is a heating element that is found inside a washing machine. This element helps to heat the water up so that it can be used to clean clothes. If you want to know more about this, then we have got you covered.

what is in-built heater in washing machine

In this blog post, we will explain what an inbuilt heater is and what it does. We’ll also talk about the pros and cons of having one in your washing machine. So, if you’re curious about inbuilt heaters, stay tuned!

What is In-Built Heater in Washing Machine?

An inbuilt heater is a heating element that can be found inside your washing machine. This type of heater will help to heat the water up so that it can be used for cleaning purposes. In case you’re wondering what this means, we have got you covered!

The term “in-built” refers to something being built into a product. In the case of washing machines, it means that there is an inbuilt heater which helps to heat up your water so that you can use it for cleaning clothes and other items around the house.

 what is the use of heater in washing machine

This type of heating element has been around since 1961 when they were first introduced by General Electric Company (GE) as part of their new line of automatic washers called Hotpoint. They were initially only available in top-loading machines but eventually became standard features on all washing machines by the 1970s.

It’s important to note that not all washing machines have inbuilt heaters, so if you’re looking for the Best washing machine, make sure to double-check before you buy.

What Does In-Built Heater in Washing Machine Do?

The purpose of an inbuilt heater is to heat up the water so that it can be used for cleaning purposes. This type of heating element has been around since 1961 when they were first introduced by General Electric Company (GE) as part of their new line of automatic washers called Hotpoint.

How Does In-Built Heater in Washing Machine Work?

The inbuilt heater is a heating element that can be found inside your washing machine. This type of heater will help to heat the water up so that it can be used for cleaning purposes. The working of an in-built heater depends on what kind of heater you have in your washing machine.

If it is a gas-fired burner or an electric element, then the working will be based on what type of fuel source (gas) and what kind of electrical connection type (electric). For example, if there’s no natural gas supply but instead LP propane tanks outside and you’re using an electric element heater as your heating source, then that would mean that your water temperature will rely entirely on what’s coming out.

Pros of In-Built Heater in Washing Machine

There are many different pros of having an in-built heater in washing machine. These include but are not limited to:

  • They help to heat up the water so that it can be used for cleaning purposes. They also save you time and money by doing this.
  • They help to improve the overall performance of your washing machine.
  • They can help to reduce energy consumption.
  • In some cases, they can also help to reduce drying times for clothes.

Cons of In-Built Heater in Washing Machine

Just like anything else, there are also some cons to having an in-built heater in washing machine. These include but are not limited to:

  • If the heating element goes out, then you will have to replace it which can be costly.
  • They can sometimes add extra weight and size to your washing machine.
  • They may cause some noise while they’re running.


The purpose of an inbuilt heater is to heat up the water so that it can be used for cleaning purposes. We hope you found this article helpful and learned what an inbuilt heater is. If you have any questions or comments please leave them below! Visit Bestwashingmachines.co.in for more information.

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